Mediation in education
Mediation in Educational Organizations
Despite all efforts to come to a solution in labour relations, this sometimes is not possible. If this is the case, a meeting with all parties which can contribute to solving the issue can be helpful. Such a meeting should be supervised by an independent person/mediator, specialized in monitoring such processes and looking for solutions.
Mediation is nothing more than solving a problem with assistance. A big advantage is that an issue generally is solved more quickly with mediation than in court. That is why it usually is much cheaper. Ongoing research by the Council of the Inns of Court and the Juridisch Loket(Citizen’s Advice Bureau) shows that mediation in two-thirds of the cases is completed within fifteen weeks. In over three-quarters of the cases, both parties are content with the outcome.
Because you yourself and the opposing party come up with the solution, it usually fits both your wishes as well as those of the opposing party. Therefore, chances of a lasting agreement and a reasonable understanding therefore are bigger after successful mediation than after a trial.
With mediation in an educational organization, you come to a solution together with the opposing party. It is therefore less about who is legally ‘right’ and more about a solution that is acceptable to all parties. As long as both parties are willing to look for a solution, mediation has a chance of success.
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